Tenure of Office for Elected and Appointed Officers of the General Council


A. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected by a majority vote of the Council members (those members present and voting at the time of the election).

B. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer tenure shall run current with that of the Church Of God In Christ, Inc. Administrators, or until the case of their Episcopal elevation, resignation, removal from office, incapacitation, or death and the qualification and election of their successor.

C. All appointed officers tenure shall run concurrent with that of the General Council's Administration or until the case of their Episcopal elevation, resignation, removal from office, incapacitation, or death and the qualification and appointment of their successor.

D. The Judicial Review Committee / Appeals Court Members Tenure shall run for a term of seven year consistent with that of the Judiciary Board / Supreme Court of the Church Of God In Christ, or until the case of their Episcopal elevation, resignation, removal from office, incapacitation, or death and the qualification and appointment of their successor.

E. All other appointed officers of the General Council tenure shall run concurrent with that of the General Council's Administration, r until the case of their Episcopal elevation, removal from office, incapacitation, or death and the qualification and appointment of their successor.

F. Should any General Council Officer Elected or Appointed vacate their office before the expiration of their term, the Executive Committee of the General Council should receive written notice first before such notice is made public.

G. Should the Office of Chairman of the General Council become vacant before the expiration of the term elected to serve (in the case of Episcopal elevation, resignation, removal from office, incapacitation, or death), the elected Vice Chairman will ascend to the Office of Chairman to carry out the unexpired term of the departed elected Chairman, and the next meeting of the General Council and election will be held to fill the Vice Chairman vacancy, in the interim at the discretion of the newly elevated Chairman one of the appointed Vice Chairman will assist as Vice Chairman until the aforementioned meeting and election. 

H. Should a vacancy occur in any of the other elected and/or appointed offices/officers of the General Council the Chairman following the appropriate protocol shall fill such vacancy at the next meeting of the General Council.


Pastor Anthony Graham

Elder Gregory Wilhoite
Vice Chairman

Elder Walter Harmon

Elder Marvin Darby

Council Calendar